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A Community Unites



Monday 14th November was an auspicious day for Cobh.  Over 160 people both young and old gathered to celebrate the launch of a community reading project called ‘One Book One Community’ as promoted by the Home School Community Liaison scheme, Carrignafoy Community College.

It was a truly memorable occasion. The hall was filled with excitement and camaderie.  It was plainly clear that this community had come together to offer their generous support to the celebrations. There was an anxious air of expectancy as everyone awaited the event to begin.


Mr. Donovan the principal of Carrignafoy Community College opened the proceedings and welcomed everyone.  He thanked the community for their attendance and participation on the day.  He expressed his pleasure at seeing such a cross section of people in attendance from primary school students, secondary students, teachers, parents and  guardians, local volunteers, representatives from Cobh Chamber of Commerce, Cobh Tourism, Cobh Library, to grandparents. He thanked representatives and photographers from the local news letter and the Camera Club who are the official photographers for the Titanic anniversary. He spoke of the merits of a community reading project such as the ‘One Book, One Community’ and praised its effectiveness in enticing people of all ages and from all walks of life to read.  He said the greatest gift anyone could give a child was a book. 

Carol Lannin Area Coordinator for Home School Liaison spoke next.  She explained the role of Home School Liaison and gave a brief outline of the origin of ‘One Book One Community’.  She too endorsed the benefit of reading with a reference to the Oompah Loompahs from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory –, ‘So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your Tv set away, And in its place you can install A lovely bookshelf on the wall’.


Marc Anderson events manager for ‘Titanic 100’ anniversary confirmed his support for the project and expressed his delight at being involved in the event.  He spoke about the upcoming Titanic Anniversary and the opportunity for people to join in the celebrations.

Anna Keating HSCL, Carrignafoy Community thanked the community for their generous support and goodwill.   She also thanked the author Nicola Pierce and commented on the aptness of the title of the book ‘Spirit of the Titanic’ which she said was truly in abundance in the spirit of the community here today. She remarked on the beautiful artwork, quotations taken from the book itself and painstakingly reproduced in calligraphy by the first year group in Carrignafoy Community College.  A paper mache model of the Titanic complete with iceberg, sea and night sky as produced by primary school children at Ger Buckley’s art class was also on display made by primary school children at an after school art class with Ger Buckley.

The speeches were followed by a very moving drama interlude created and designed by drama teacher, Laurie O’Driscoll.  Three students from Carrignafoy Community College recited and performed three separate pieces.  One was a recitation from the book’ Spirit of the Titanic’, followed by a poem called ‘Titanic Drama’ – anonymous  and finally Niamh Halligan read a scene from the movie ‘Titanic’.  The dramatic piece was accompanied by the haunting music of the Furey’s ‘Lonesome Boatman. The students were beautifully dressed) to represent passengers from each of the three classes on board the Titanic, 1st, 2nd and 3rd a credit to Mrs Mary O’ Driscoll who has provided costumes for all the school shows in the past.


And finally it was the turn of the guest speaker author Nicola Pierce.  Once Nicola began to speak it was as if she cast a spell on the audience such was their rapture at listening to her stories and anecdotes.  She displayed some of her favourite black and white photos of the Titanic, and its ill-fated passengers.  She spoke about her book, its principal character Samuel Joseph Scott and his tragic loss of life which was the inspiration for her book.  This was her first visit to Cobh and she had little knowledge of Cobh’s immense historical past.   She said she would look forward to returning to Cobh now that she had established a link and felt so welcome in the community.

A presentation was made to Nicola on behalf of the college and the proceedings were brought to a close with the offer of book signings, photographs and refreshments provided by Cobh Community Centre, and the ‘Swells’.

A special thank you goes to our sponsors and supporters Fergal Nash of Super Valu, Commodore Hotel, Cobh Heritage Centre Marc Anderson Titanic 100, Eileen Pearson English News Agents Sheila Comer Harbour Books, the staff of Cobh Library, Cobh Camera Club, GICN, and Cobh Edition.


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