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Cobh Tidy Towns “Greening The Regatta”



tidytowns600x4001Cobh Tidy Towns are delighted to promote the Greening of Cobh People’s Regatta again this year. We hope to reduce the amount of litter on our streets during the Regatta weekend, raise environmental awareness and promote waste prevention.

Food stalls in the Promenade and many of the bars downtown will be using compostable food and drink containers and all of the food waste from the vendors in the promenade including all compostable utensils will be taken to a composting facility in Tipperary where it will decompose within ten weeks. The compost produced from the facility is used in horticulture and local agricultural applications. We are most grateful to Greenstar and Wiser recycling for their generous sponsorship of this initiative.

Last year we surpassed our goal of reducing the amount of rubbish going to landfill by 50%. We hope that we can improve on that success in 2013.

We need volunteers for Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th August for 2 hour slots for this very worthwhile initiative. To volunteer to help please contact Moggy Somers on 086 0560961

Cobh Tidy Towns wishes to thank Cork County Council Environment Department for funding provided to us from the Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund.
We would like to acknowledge both Whelan Stores and the Commodore Hotel for facilitating us by providing storage for the bins on their premises. Also thanks to Michael Bourke of Truly Scrumptious caterers for his help. Especially we are most appreciative for all the assistance from the local community.

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