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Homeopathy and the Flu – Mary Frahill ISHom,Lic Ac.




The Cobh Homeopathy and Acupuncture Centre is owned and operated by Mary Frahill, a qualified nurse and a licensed and registered homeopath and acupuncturist. Mary has many years experience running her own practice in alternative medicine.

The Cobh Homeopathy and Acupuncture Centre, located in a peaceful and tranquil setting, offers a variety of alternative therapies and treatments for any illness, injury or condition. The clinic offers treatments including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Tuina Massage and Facial Rejuvenation.

To mark National Acupuncture Awareness  Week (22nd – 30th January) the centre has many special offers and reduced rates for a variety of treatments. Contact Mary for more details.


Homeopathy and the Flu

We are now experiencing annual seasonal flu and, as had been expected, this year the predominant flu virus is the H1N1 virus known as swine flu. We are now seeing a major rise in people attending G Ps and GP out of hours services like South Doc with flu like illnesses. Most people who get the flu are able to self medicate and be looked after at home with rest and plenty of fluids and with the help of a few homeopathic remedies to speed up the process, however as had been anticipated this winter some people have been hospitalised as a result of their illness.

In conventional medicine protection from this virus is given in the way of a vaccine and people with long term health conditions, pregnant women, people aged 65 and over and their carers and healthcare workers are all advised to have the vaccine.

Flu Prevention

Give yourself an increased chance of staying healthy during flu season by eating all of the right things (including plenty of vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables) and getting enough exercise rest and sleep. Washing your hands when around those who are sick will help reduce your chances of contracting the disease.

If you get the flu it is always a good idea to see your doctor to be sure you are not missing something important. Homeopathic remedies may help your immune system deal with the flu virus more effectively. I recommend you work with a professional homeopath to figure out the best remedy for you. However if you want to treat yourself it is possible. If you decide to do that, I would recommend that you read some beginner homeopathic book to familiarise yourself with the basic homeopathic philosophy and procedure.

Below are a number of remedies that may be useful before, during and after the flu. Read through the descriptions of the symptoms and compare to your symptoms. The one that matches your symptoms the best is the one most likely to help. In most cases one starts with a 30c potency of the indicated remedy(remedies available from any professional homeopath, health shops and some chemists), take it every hour or so according to the severity of the symptoms and take less often – every 3 to 4 hours – if they are not too bad. Stop and start the remedy as needed. Once you feel better on a remedy stop taking it and repeat it only if the symptoms start to return again. If after 5 or 6 doses of a remedy and there is no change stop taking it and look at your symptoms again for a more indicated remedy or of course contact a professional homeopath.

BEFORE THE FLU or at the very first sign of a flu;


Oscillococcinum (the hardest remedy in the homeopathic  Materia Medica to pronounce) can be taken right at the very beginning of feeling ill but before any symptoms have developed,  before you even know it is the flu. Take two or three doses 4-8 hours apart.


Aconite can help if taken in the first few hours of a fast developing flu that comes on after getting chilled in a cold wind. You can take Aconite when you know you are getting sick, have started to sneeze and develop a fever but beforeyou have a clearly identifiable symptom picture. Take three doses one every hour or so.


Ferrum phosphoricum is the remedy to take after Aconite hasn’t helped and a fever has developed but you have no other symptoms yet. Again take three doses one every hour or so.



Arsenicum album is for flus with great prostration is chilly,irritable,anxious and fussy types. The eyes and nose stream with watery, acrid discharges. Fevers are accompanied by extreme chilliness and a thirst for frequent sips of warm drinks. Everything is better for warmth except for the headache, which is worse for heat and better for fresh air.


Baptisia is for the terrible flus that come on suddenly. People feel sore and bruised all over and the body and limbs feel as if they are “scattered and all in bits”. There is profuse sweating with a high fever and an intense thirst. The face is dull red in colour and people who need this remedy look dazed, drugged and sluggish to the point of falling asleep while they are talking to someone. This remedy is for gastric flus with vomiting and diarrhoea, all discharges are very offensive, foul odour of breath – body – sweat.


Bryonia is for flus that come on slowly. These people ache all over especially in the joints and the aching pains are much worse for motion even the smallest movement; so people ly completely still in their beds. They are extremely irritable and want to be left alone. They have a peculiar thirst for large quantities of cold drinks but at infrequent intervals (because of all the movements involved in the drinking).They have a dry, painful cough which makes their head hurt.


Eupatorium perfoliatum is for the most dreaded of all the flus. The pains are so severe that it feels as if the bones are broken. The muscles ache and feel sore and bruised as well. These people moan and groan with the pains. Everything hurts, there is a bursting headache and sore aching eyeballs. The nose runs with much sneezing, the chest feels sore and raw and coughing makes the head hurt. They want ice cold water in spite of the fact that it brings on violent chills that begin in the small of the back. They don’t sweat much but when they do they feel better all over.


Gelsemium tends to be the number one flu remedy and is accompanied by weak aching muscles. There is a dull headache and a great feeling of heaviness…everywhere especially the eyelids, head and limbs. These people are thirstless even with the fever which alternates with chills and shivers that run up and down the spine. They are apathetic, dull and drowsey.

Can be compared to Bryonia and Euoatorium perfoliatum.

A number of other remedies may be indicated for flu like Mercurius solibilis, Nux vomica, Pyrogen and Rhus tox for example.


My favourite homeopathic remedies for weakness after the flu are Kali phosphoricum, China and Gelsemium. These are not the only remedies for post viral weakness but they will help many of those whose vital forces are struggling to recover their former strength and health.

Kali phosphoricum:

Kali phos is for those who suffer general exhaustion and are unaccountably depressed after the flu.


China is for those who are debilitated after the flu especially if they have lost a lot of fluids through sweating and/or vomiting and possible dehydration.More of a physical weakness.They are chilly, pale and wan with dark circles under the eyes and are touchy and irritable.

If one of the above remedies fits the symptoms it should be taken in a low potency – that is 6x,6c or 12x – two to four times daily for up to a week.


Gelsemium is for those who continue to feel dull,apathetic,heavy and trembly even after the acute flu symptoms have passed.. Their temperature stays up around 99F and while they don’t feel very ill they don’t feel very well either. This is a more serious state as it can develop into chronic exhaustion, this remedy can be given in a 30c twice daily for up to 3 days.

Homeopaths believe that if your body is generally healthy you have a much higher chance of success in fighting any disease ,including flu. Therefore we feel everybody would benefit from homeopathic treatment (from a qualified homeopath) before they become seriously ill with an acute disease. On one hand it will help you deal with all the chronic symptoms you may be suffering with now and on the other it will make your body stronger and more able to fight off whatever acute infection may come along including the flu.

A few tips on treating the flu naturally

Hot Epsom salt baths; Put 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt in a warm bath for a good soak. This helps to draw out inflammation and decrease muscle soreness and joint pain.

Hot water bottle; This can be very welcome to the chilly and sore patient. It can be moved around and kept as warm as desired.

Gentle massage; This can be very soothing as it helps increase circulation and facilitate elimination.

Vitamin C 1000mg three times a day.

Vegetable or chicken broth will help replenish electrolytes and has other healing influence. Often it is just what the patient wants.

Finally, if you do come down with the flu, try to limit other’s exposure to the illness. Wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth and nose completely when you cough and sneeze, preferably with a tissue and then wash your hands afterwards.And don’t “be a hero” – stay home from work or school until all the symptoms are gone.

Mary Frahill ISHom,Lic Ac.

Licenced and Registered Homeopath and Acupuncturist

Now taking evening appointments. Mob;0868500625

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