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Cobh Tidy Towns – A Reflection




2015 has been a memorable year for Cobh for many reasons. One that will not be forgotten is the attainment of Gold medal status in the National Tidy Towns Competition. Having entered for over 25 years and moved past a status as Ireland’s Dirtiest Town, the hard work of so many paid off in the 2015 acknowledgment of our town as being worthy of Gold.

Tidy Towns is about so much more than litter, planting and painting. The competition encompasses Community involvement , Built Environment, Landscaping, Wildlife, Sustainable Waste and Resource management, Residential Areas and Approach Roads. It is about a whole community effort from the person who picks up a discarded bottle to the business owner who presents the facade of his/her premises in a style synonymous with a heritage town.One can clearly see why points were awarded to Cobh this year when projects taken into account included Lusitania glass headstones and landscaping at Old Church cemetery; Library renovation works; Lusitania Tile project; Cunard centre plaque regeneration; new sustainable planting style in the Promenade flowerbeds; work in the Walled garden at Carrignafoy and at Cobh Allotments on the Tay Road as well as an increase in number of Green Schools flags in all schools. The judge said ” You have approached this years competition in a strategic and focused manner. You are undertaking projects that will impact on Cobh for years to come.

Participation in the competition has ensured a more unified approach to develop and enhance the town making it a better place to live, work in and visit”.
Our sincere thanks to our hardworking volunteers who venture out in all weathers. Thanks also to the Cork County Council indoor and outdoor staff, Cobh Gateway workers, Cobh TÚS workers, school children, Clubs, Residents Associations, Businesses, Cobh Credit Union, local newsletters and the people of Cobh who all helped get us to GOLD. Next step is to win the National title of Ireland’s Tidiest Town!

Have a happy and peaceful Christmas from all in Cobh Tidy Towns.

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