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Cork Natural Fertility Clinic



With the year close on coming to an end, we wanted to wish all our subscribers a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year (Hopefully)!

We have had a bumper year at the CNFC again reaching our 60% success rate for pregnancies.  This week alone we have had three new expectant Mums! It’s wonderful to know we helped to make lots of happy new parents with beautiful bundles of joy making their lives complete.

We at the CNFC pride ourselves in the fact that we are the only multi-disciplinary clinic specializing in all aspects of Male and Female Infertility.   The first step is sometimes the hardest to make. At the CNFC we make this as easy as possible.  We can offer an initial hour-long consultation, for both you and your partner, just to talk things through, to help you feel more comfortable about making the next step!

Below are some useful bits of information we thought you might also find interesting.

Our very best wishes from all the team at the CNFC

Deirdre Mackesy

Tel:   +353 21 4812222



Helping you plan for every stage of your journey

Dr Vera Medic a clinical hypnotherapist with 20 years of practice in general medicine and radiology, explains how hypnotherapy is rapidly becoming a respected option for couples looking toward holistic fertility solutions.

Hypnosis is a wonderfully versatile, safe and very natural dream-like state which, over the past few years, has really come to the fore in terms of individuals and couples looking to improve fertility.
But hypnotherapy, as a pure art, isn’t as in commonly thought, something that is restricted to therapists rooms and comfy sofas.  We experience hypnosis in normal daily situations… for instance, when daydreaming, watching television, or driving the care; we’ve all arrived at a destination not having fully been aware of parts of the journey.  Hypnosis also happens every evening before we fall asleep – it is that nice drifting frame of mind, called a hypnagogic state. In terms of fertility then, there are obviously great benefits that can be brought forward in hypnotherapy, combining universal techniques with others specifically tailored for fertility treatments.
Trying to achieve and sustain pregnancy is obviously a very stressful period; so it is essential we reduce levels of anxiety, worry guilt and depression.  We apply bespoke and differing techniques, but the essence is always in deep relaxation and self-hypnosis bringing in ideas to boost confidence whilst instilling a strong mind body balance. We also seek to identify and eliminate negative patterns and beliefs and sometime dig deeper into finding subconscious blocks that might be sabotaging success.  It is all about creating a loving receptive body and mind environment for embryos, whilst reducing subconscious hostility from any part of the body through specifically reproductive organs.

In tackling sexual and relationship issues, sometimes all our thoughts are equivalent to chemical micro changes and therefore hormonal changes, so creating mind balance leads to improved body balance, responding with more confidence to the challenges of fertility, IVF pregnancy and parenthood issues.  It is an all-encompassing way of thinking. Hypnotherapy has moved with the times – in its present form it is regarded as a modern way of thinking, but over the centuries there were different techniques in different cultures, all trying to promote positive change and relaxation, via everything from trance to meditation, dance to yoga.

The results can be astounding.  There are many reports of IVF achieving up to a 75% success rate with hypnosis involved.  Particularly when there are no obvious physical obstacles to conceiving, yet some can still not fall pregnant, hypnosis develop in future – as a tacit and designated part of every fertility treatment, every pregnancy and onwards, every significant stage of parenthood when the mind allows itself time to be cleansed and refreshed.


We have toured around the virtual world to showcase some of the best websites out there offering advice on all maters of fertility

The online supplement to the magazine Fertility Road. With additional features comment pieces, forums and up-to-the-minute news. A very informative magazine.

Renowned for its charting software that enables prospective mothers to plot accurately their fertile point in the month, Ad free and free to join!

A comprehensive collection of home pregnancy test and ovulation predictor kit information and images.  The perfect back up for home scientists.

The  widest resource of clues signs and symptoms, all user-submitted and in every part designed to help you understand the clues your body offers

A brilliant resource for those looking to improve the odds of getting a certain gender whilst dealing with the range of post birth emotions.

A prolific and mammoth resource, relevant along the whole timeline, from those looking to conceive to others adapting to the patter of not –so-tiny feet.

A doctor’s advice and pregnancy tracking tools in the palm of your hand

•    Developed by Board Certified OB/GYN’s
•    Week-by-week status updates
•    Nutrition Guidelines & Calorie Tracker
•    Weight Tracker (Standard & Metric)
•    Hydration Counter
•    Appointment Calendar
•    Contraction Timer
•    Drug Safety
•    Acupressure Points
•    Yoga Poses
•    Kick Counter
•    Baby names

Available on the App Store
Learn more at


How can you best fend off well-meaning family, friends or even stranger’s comments?

Parenting expert Sue Atkins, who has counseled many mums and dads through fertility treatment and pregnancy offers the following advice.

“Why aren’t you starting a family yet?
People presume things all the time in life and rarely mean to hurt when they ask this question.  I think it helps o spend a little time just pondering your reply and I encourage the people I work with to jot down their ‘stock answer’.  It can be different for different people – one response fro work colleagues and general acquaintances, a different deeper answer for family and friends and people who really know you. From clarity you get confidence.

Wild Confidence – You’ll be FINE!
It’s very helpful to stay relaxed and positive during this process and to learn to be in a balanced emotional state.  You can achieve this through meditating, gentle exercise or saying a positive affirmation – like “I am grounded, centered and positive”.  The emotional roller coaster of IVF and fertility treatment is tough enough without wildly exaggerated hopes or fears.  So it helps to stay grounded, positive, relaxed and focused on being happy throughout the process, whilst also learning to adopt the attitude of gratitude for all the good things in your life.  This helps you to filter life through the positive and will help you to feel more balanced and in control of your life.

“You can always adopt”…”Its not meant to be”
It helps to see life from the perspective of other well-meaning friends and family.  One simple exercise I do is to stand on a piece of paper with your friend/family/partner’s name on it and assess what you see from there, hear what you hear and feel how you feel from your friend/family/partner’s perspective.
This helps you to see life from your friend, or mother in laws point of view.  This exercise helps you to focus on their intention in this remark; usually it is to help you cope with the possibility of disappointment.

It’s my life!
The journey of fertility is a very private and individual experience for each person, as well as for each couple.  I think it’s helpful to remember that one size really doesn’t fit all during this process and people only have to be confided in on a ‘need to know’ basis.  You choose who you give a ‘stock’ answer to and who you share your inner most thoughts with.

Cyclotest Baby

RDO Medical

RDO Medical are now taking orders for their amazing symptom-thermal fertility monitor, Cyclotest Baby,

By just making a few observations regarding waking temperature (BBT) and menstruation dates, Cyclotest Baby can reliably identify ovulation and with it, the optimum time to have intercourse for conception.  It learns about your cycle and shows the whole fertility window for the coming month, and all data can be downloaded and shared with your doctor or fertility specialist.

If you have found this Newsletter interesting then please forward it on to any of your friends or family that may have fertility issues.
Many thanks.

Cork Natural Fertility Clinic, Lake Rd ,Rushbrooke, Cobh, Co. Cork. + 353 21 4812222.

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