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Don’t take a risk where safety is Concerned advise Gardai



As the summer holidays end and the school year begin I want to take this opportunity to remind you of a few simple practical things that we can all do to ensure that everyone is safe on the roads and streets of Cobh and the Great Island.  As the light changes and the evenings draw in, it’s a good time to take stock of our practices on the roads as our patterns of road usage change.

Firstly I  would advise all walkers and cyclists of all ages to wear a florescent yellow jacket to improve visibility when out and about.  The slogan “BE SAFE BE SEEN” has never been more appropriate as the evenings get shorter and it is easy to get caught out either walking or cycling as dusk falls.  There will be an increase in the number of people travelling on our roads as the new school term begins and people return to work following the holiday period.

The following is some general advice for Children returning to school :

Safe Cross Code

  1. Look for a safe place to cross
  2. Don’t Hurry ! always stop and wait
  3. Look all around ( look right , look left then look right again ) before you corss the road.
  4. Listen for traffic
  5. If traffic is coming let it pass then look right and left again
  6. When it is safe to do so walk straight across the road
  7. Look and listen for traffic while you cross. Play it safe.

Walking to School

  1. Children walking to school should be visible and wear reflective armbands or jackets.
  2. Choose a safe route to school, and walk away from the road on the footpath
  3. Children take their example from parents and grownups so give good example to children as you cross the road yourself teaching them to do it the right way

Travelling By Bus

  1. Take special care while getting on and off the bus as these are the most dangerous times ( watch out for bicycles or traffic coming up on the inside )
  2. While waiting for the Bus stand well back on the footpath or grass verge
  3. Wait until the bus has moved away before crossing the road and the road can be clearly seen in both directions.


1.      The bicycle should be in good working order with lights, brakes, reflector and bell all in working order

2.      Cyclists should always wear a well fitted helmet

3.      Wear highly reflective clothing

4.      Cyclists should be familiar with the rules of the road and always be observant to what is going on around them

5.      The use of headphones while cycling is not advised

6.      Cyclist have to obey the Rules of the Road i.e stop lines, traffic lights etc

Dropping to school

  1. If dropping children to school parents/guardians should park in a safe location close to the school and not block pedestrian access tot eh school
  2. They should also be aware of other road users when pulling in and/or moving off. Check mirrors and use shoulder checks if necessary prior to moving.
  3. Children exiting vehicles should do so on the footpath side.  Parents if possible should exit the vehicle first and ensure that it is safe for passengers to alight.
  4. Always wear your seat belt and have all children properly restrained. Check that booster seats and child seats are fir for purpose and have not outgrown the child.

As part of our September Road safety initiative Cobh Gardai will perform spot checks to ensure that people are complying with the safety advice outlined. Particular focus will be placed on seatbelt use and child seats and booster seats.

Any information needed on child seats can be found on the Road Safety Authority (RSA) website.  Everyone had a vital role to play in Road Safety.

Cobh Peoples Regatta 2011

Finally I wish to thank the people of Cobh for their assistance and co operation during this years Regatta.  I am pleased to report that the events went without any major incident.  Well done to all involved.

Inspector Edmund Golden
Cobh Gardai

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