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A Real Commitment To Educate – Claire Cullinane



Health and well being has been part and parcel of my training programmes for 25 years. Real health derived  from a healthy body and a healthy mind. Education is the key to both. But our health service only medicates thus endorsing the big pharmaceutical companies at the cost of its people. Medicating to the lowest common denominator of the uneducated or lazy client, further increases the sales of such products but increases both the dependency and side effects of same.

During the debates prior to this election I have spoken several times about a real commitment to educate a healthy nation. This has been shouted down and mocked as though I am speaking a different language to the others around the table.

Our professional politicians, who are so removed from the problem in our 2 tier system of health in this country that they cannot connect with the only natural answer. The law of the universe, the natural law that states we will all experience peace in body and in mind when we follow the laws of nature. Good quality food, produced by our own farmers. Not mass produced imported ready meals with no nutrients or value but rather toxins to induce illness. We hear of improving our exports of food to Europe. Can we not first educate and feed our own population.

We are a country rich in natural resources and the ability to be self sufficient in every way. Have we learned nothing from history! Starvation and malnutrition should not be words used in 20011 in Ireland but they are in truth. Our children are deficient in nutrients, minerals and vitamins that cannot be replaced with tablets and medications. Food  and lifestyle is the true medicine.

As a complimentary therapist I have studied nutrition and have attended so many workshops and lectures both at home and abroad. Ireland’s first Natural Mental Health Conference was not attended by any of these politicians, nor any specialists. It was attended by concerned nurses, therapists and myself. I feel I have a right to speak on this subject due to years of commitment to learn and a passion to pass on real, healthy information in my many training programmes. To be tut tutted and shouted down by self serving, outdated, politicians who have sold out our country and are beyond educating due the blindness of their own ignorance is not something I can take lightly.

Hence the need, even at this 11 hour, to voice my opinion and that of every concerned citizen, for our children’s health and mental well being in the future. I beg the incoming health minister to take off the money goggles and see the wealth we have in our country…its people and its future.

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