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Sirius Arts Centre Presents Donal Clancy & Pipers Union




Sirius Arts Centre – Friday 1st of August 8pm – Tickets €15

Pipers Union formed in 2013 when long-time musical associates, David Power and Ciarán Somers asked their old friend Dónal Clancy to join them in concert.

What started out as a collaboration of two separate acts quickly evolved into a tight-knit trio, incorporating traditional and contemporary styles to deliver rousing ballads, soft love songs, lively dance tunes and haunting airs.

“I had witnessed…something rare- something special and unique. I had been present at one of those rare musical moments when three ‘Masters of the tradition’ combined their artistry and had weaved their spell of music and song with such soul and such passion as to make the event for me – and all who attended the night – an unforgettable one. “PJ Curtis (March 2014) excerpt from a review of a Pipers Union Concert.

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