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Cobh Community Allotments Association



It is with great pleasure we can announce that work has begun on the Community Allotment site on the Tay Road. The allotment group have been working tirelessly to secure a site for over three years. As the result of a public meeting over three and a half years ago a steering group was formed and it is thanks to this core group of people that the project is now underway. We would like to pay tribute to Martin Smith as we  were very fortunate to have Martin  as Chairperson for three years, and were sorry to lose him in December, when other commitments rendered him unable to continue as Chair. Martin was an invaluable asset to the group, whose dedication and commitment kept everyone motivated even when the project looked like it would never come to fruition. We would also like to pay tribute to the late Michael Daly who was also involved in the project.

Robin Howie (Chairperson)and Arjen Stofberg (Treasurer) and Aislinn were on site Saturday as the driveway and scrub/briers were being cleared in preparation for ploughing. Weather permitting the site will be ploughed over the coming weeks and people can finally get in and get growing! Allotments have been allocated through a lottery system to all who have paid their deposit and while every effort is being made to facilitate people in regard to location of their plots, with over 25 people signed up already, we foresee the site filling up quickly. For further information visit our Face book page or contact Aislinn Hegarty in the Cobh Family Resource Centre on her direct line 021- 4908174

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